Friday, July 22, 2011

Harry Potter ???

watched Harry Potter and The Deadly Hallow Part 2 on Wednesday.
i didnt watch even one of the previous part of it.
but as a lot of people said it's nice,
it get a very high vote,
so i decide to watch it as well.=)

i watched the part 1 before go for the part 2.
actually i also search for the whole series online,
and have a look on the synopsis of it.

suddently feel that : not bad, it's nice~
i like the story,
although it's complicated and long,
but it's interesting.
why didnt i realize it before this??

maybe im chaging...
so now i found it interesting,

it make me wanna read on the whole story,
i feel like reading on the novel!

suddently i feel wanna buy English novel...
i even search for the list of popular modern novel!
wow, im so ambitious!!!
Sarah Dessen? Meg Cabot??
are them the most popular writer?
i have no idea at allll~

but can i understand the whole book?
or should i bring along my dictionary while reading on the novel?

will start buying my ever first English novel when i get my first paid~^^
but which should i buy???

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